Our Services

Our Certified Financial Planners create holistic financial plans and provide ongoing coaching/review. Financial plans may include recommendations to use insurance carriers and referrals to ICPMs, as part of the insurance/investment planning solution.

Financial Planning

The financial planning process identifies and takes steps to achieve your key financial objectives (e.g. debt reduction, major purchases, retirement savings or education funding). It involves the development and ongoing review of a plan to determine if you are on track to meet your financial needs throughout the various stages of your life.

Retirement Planning

The retirement planning process looks to determine your retirement goals and the necessary steps to achieve them. Retirement planning includes identifying sources of income, estimating expenses, projecting retirement income needs, implementing a savings program and effectively coordinating your post-retirement income sources by selecting the right retirement account types (RRSP, RRIF, LIRA, LIF).

Estate Planning

The estate planning process allows you to preserve your legacy. It involves developing a plan that can reduce the taxes and expenses of your estate, simplify and speed the transition of assets to the next generation and ensure that your beneficiaries are protected. This essential step maximizes the legacy to your family, charities and other beneficiaries.

Tax-Efficient Strategies

The tax planning process helps you to meet your tax obligations while achieving tax efficiency through a number of strategies. These tax minimizing strategies include the selection of appropriate investment plans and retirement plans.

Risk Management

Managing risk is an important part of protecting your wealth, lifestyle and independence. The risk management process uses a variety of insurance strategies and investment planning to protect you and your family by reducing the financial impact caused by potential adverse events such as disability, illness or death.

Education Planning

Saving for post-secondary education is an important milestone - whether it's for a loved one or yourself. The education planning process allows you to prepare and save for the goal of post-secondary education and take advantage of government grants and investment vehicles that maximize the potential for tax-free growth.

Business Ownership Planning

Business ownership planning targets wealth management issues specific to business owners - from considering the best structure for your business to the development of a succession plan. A thorough wealth plan assists you in solving important day-to-day business issues and ultimately transitioning into a well-planned and funded retirement.

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